PTM Viewer PTM Viewer

Protein List Analysis 

Enter your protein identifiers in the textbox, one per line. Accepted identifiers are gene/protein identifiers from species-specific annotations (e.g. Araport11 or JGI) or UniProtKB protein accessions. The maximum number of protein IDs is limited to 2500 and should belong to a single plant species.

A comprehensive overview of total number of PTMs, PTM types, and modified proteins is provided for your input proteins. In addition, a PTM enrichment is performed that estimates over- or underrepresentation of PTM sites in your protein list.

Similar as a GO gene set enrichment analysis, a hypergeometric test is performed to test for statistical signficant over- or underrespresention of PTMs in the inputted proteins. Hence, the total population here equals all modified PTM protein sites (equivalent of genes in GO enrichment) stored in the Plant PTM Viewer for the selected species. PTM types constitute the different sets (~ GO terms) that will be tested for enrichment, counting the total number of modified protein sites for that PTM in the selected species. Similarly, for each PTM type, the number of modified protein sites will counted for the inputted proteins. The fold enrichment is then calculated as : (Sites PTM TypeA Input / All Sites Input ) / (Sites PTM TypeA All / All Sites ) Statistical terms are performed in R using the built-in hypergeometric test functions. P-values are adjusted for multiple testing using the Benjamini-Hochberg correction.

PTM enrichment PTM enrichment