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Arabidopsis S-acylation atlas - Silique

S-Acylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

542 modifications in 382 peptides, found in 690 proteins

Experiment Details

Exp 163e

Experimental Setup
TissueFive week-old plant silique
ConditionControl condition
PTM EnrichmentAcyl-RAC assay
MS InstrumentOrbitrap Exploris 480
MS/MS Search Parameters
Protein DatabaseAraport11 protein database (48359 entries)
Decoy StrategyTarget decoy approach
FDR Threshold0.01
Search Algorithm(s)Sequest HT + MASCOT (Proteome Discoverer 2.2)
Precursor Mass Tolerance10 ppm
Variable ModificationsPropionamide (C)
Carbamidomethyl (C)
Oxidation (M)
Other Information
CommentsFiltered high confidence sites (A1 and B1 class) from Supplemental Table 1.

Publication Information

Kumar et al., 2022

PubMed ID: 35681017

ProteomeXchange: PXD031348


Nat Plants. 2022 Jun;8(6):670-681. doi: 10.1038/s41477-022-01164-4. Epub 2022 
Jun 9.

An atlas of Arabidopsis protein S-acylation reveals its widespread role in plant 
cell organization and function.

Kumar M(1), Carr P(1)(2), Turner SR(3).

Author information:
(1)Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, 
Manchester, UK.
(2)Holiferm, Manchester, UK.
(3)Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, 
Manchester, UK.

S-acylation is the addition of a fatty acid to a cysteine residue of a protein. 
While this modification may profoundly alter protein behaviour, its effects on 
the function of plant proteins remains poorly characterized, largely as a result 
of the lack of basic information regarding which proteins are S-acylated and 
where in the proteins the modification occurs. To address this gap in our 
knowledge, we used an optimized acyl-resin-assisted capture assay to perform a 
comprehensive analysis of plant protein S-acylation from six separate tissues. 
In our high- and medium-confidence groups, we identified 1,849 cysteines 
modified by S-acylation, which were located in 1,640 unique peptides from 1,094 
different proteins. This represents around 6% of the detectable Arabidopsis 
proteome and suggests an important role for S-acylation in many essential 
cellular functions including trafficking, signalling and metabolism. To 
illustrate the potential of this dataset, we focus on cellulose synthesis and 
confirm the S-acylation of a number of proteins known to be involved in 
cellulose synthesis and trafficking of the cellulose synthase complex. In the 
secondary cell walls, cellulose synthesis requires three different catalytic 
subunits (CESA4, CESA7 and CESA8) that all exhibit striking sequence similarity 
and are all predicted to possess a RING-type zinc finger at their amino terminus 
composed of eight cysteines. For CESA8, we find evidence for S-acylation of 
these cysteines that is incompatible with any role in coordinating metal ions. 
We show that while CESA7 may possess a RING-type domain, the same region of 
CESA8 appears to have evolved a very different structure. Together, the data 
suggest that this study represents an atlas of S-acylation in Arabidopsis that 
will facilitate the broader study of this elusive post-translational 
modification in plants as well as demonstrating the importance of further work 
in this area.

© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.

DOI: 10.1038/s41477-022-01164-4
PMID: 35681017 [Indexed for MEDLINE]