
Master Programs

After obtaining a Bachelor degree, further specialization can be acquired by following in a subsequent Master. Most UGent Master programs are taught in Dutch, some in English. You can look for English Master programs here


Lab Practices

The professors and senior scientists associated with the Center for PSB teach basic courses such as Genetics and Plant Developmental Biology and are involved in specialized courses in which they integrate the latest technologies and scientific developments. The department is an inspiring work place for undergraduate students to perform lab practices and research projects. Students that follow non-academic Bachelors are equally welcome and are trained in the most recent technologies available in plant biotechnology.

PhD Degree

The Center for PSB hosts and trains a large number of PhD students. They obtain fellowships from various sources such as FWO, VLAIO (former IWT), BOF and VIB and are integrated in the diverse scientific programs that run in the department. 

Programs at Ghent University

To stay innovative and creative in life sciences, it is important to provide students with an educational program that integrates the state-of-the-art knowledge in their field of interest and that awakens their scientific curiosity and creativity. Providing up-to-date education in plant developmental biology, biotechnology, genetics and bioinformatics is therefore an important goal of the Center for Plant Systems Biology.

Applied Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

Applied Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

The Applied Bioinformatics & Biostatistics group has been founded with three goals in mind:

  • enable wetlab scientists to perform everyday bioinformatic analyses through a user-friendly interface
  • provide expertise to tackle custom data and statistical analysis
  • offer consultancy and training

This core facility within PSB is also available for industrial collaborations. If you have further questions, get in touch with us!

Plant Single Cell Platform

Plant Single Cell Platform


We established a comprehensive pipeline that enables high-throughput processing of scRNA-Sequencing samples from model plant species (e.g. Arabidopsis thaliana) and soon also crops (e.g. maize, rice). Sample processing, including cell isolation, cell enrichment, sequencing and analysis, is done entirely within VIB using available core facilities.