The PSB Garden and Forest

A currently unused field plot close to PSB at the Tech Lane Ghent Science Park will be used for non-GMO field trials. The idea is to give students, postdocs, and personnel of VIB the opportunity to experiment with different plants and crops and to build a community garden this way. The land is currently being prepared for planting and photos will be posted regularly to show the progress, so stay tuned.

field plot


field plot
Unused field plot to be used for non-GMO field trials


First work in the field (12/4/24)


First work in the field (12/4/24)


Progress of the field (6/5/24)


Progress of the field (6/5/24)


Progress of the field (6/5/24)


We are also working on a project – together with Natuurpunt - that involves forest restoration and biodiversity. Updates soon!