Translational Research

In order to maximize the societal impact of research conducted at PSB, we are dedicated to proactively translating basic scientific breakthroughs into tangible value. This practical approach is seamlessly integrated into our fundamental research inquiries and is furthered through collaborative partnerships with industry, as well as through licensing agreements and the establishment of spinoff ventures. Over the years, the pioneering research at PSB has led to the successful launch of five spinoff companies: DevGen, CropDesign, Biotalys, Aphea.Bio, and Protealis, with a sixth venture currently in the evaluation phase.

timeline spinoffs

The procurement of a greenhouse complex featuring a state-of-the-art automated phenotyping platform for in-depth analysis of agronomic parameters, paired with a robotic precision sprayer designed for mimicking field foliar applications, enables us to effectively elevate research outputs to a larger scale across various crops and applications. Learn more about our capabilities at: