Vanholme Ruben

Vanholme Ruben - Staff scientist @ BIO-ENERGY AND BIO-AROMATICS

Ruben Vanholme is a staff scientist in the Bio-Energy and Bio-Aromatics group of Wout Boerjan.
Ruben graduated in 2004 as Master of Chemistry at Ghent University. He made a master dissertation in the Ghent Quantum Chemistry Group, under supervision of Patrick Bultinck. In 2005, he obtained an IWT grant to start his PhD in the Bio-Energy and Bio-Aromatics lab of Wout Boerjan. His research included the study of systems-wide consequences of lignin perturbations in Arabidopsis. For this, transcriptome and metabolome approaches were used. After obtaining his PhD degree in Biotechnology, he got two consecutive FWO post-doc grants to further investigate the lignin biosynthesis and engineering in Arabidopsis, poplar and maize. Meanwhile, he is staff scientist in the Bio-Energy and Bio-Aromatics lab as an expert in MS-based phenolic metabolite profiling and identification.
Ruben is actively involved in communicating science-based information about genetic engineering of crops. In addition, he is a climate warrior with a mission: to inform people on climate change and the dramatic loss in biodiversity it causes. He also informs what can be done to avoid further dramatic scenarios.
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