Tack Simon

Tack Simon - Predoctoral fellow
Joined the group in 2022

PhD fellow

Simon Tack obtained his Bachelors in Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the University of Ghent (UGhent, Belgium). He stayed at UGhent to persue a Master in Molecular Plant Biology. During his Master-thesis he joined the VIB-UGhent 'Oxidative Stress Signaling' lab (led by Prof. Dr. F. Van Breusegem) where he focused on showing Metacaspase activity using FRET-based sensors under the guidance of Dr. A.D. Fernandez Fernandez and Prof. Dr. S. Stael. In November 2022 he joined the OSS lab as a PhD fellow and continues his efforts on showing protease activity in plants (Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica napus) under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Van Breusegem.