Daniel Cruz




PhD Student


VIB / Ghent University

Evolutionary Systems Biology

Technologiepark 927

B-9052 Gent



(3) Rebolledo, C., Dingkuhn, M., Courtois, B., Clément-Vidal, A., Cruz, D., Duitama, J., Lorieux M., Luquet, D. (2015) Phenotypic and genetic dissection of component traits for early vigor in rice using plant growth modelling, sugar content analyses and association mapping. Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 5555-5566.


(2) Duitama, J. Silva, A., Sanabria, Y., Cruz, D.F., Quintero, C., Ballen, C., Lorieux, M., Scheffler, B., Farmer, A., Oard, J., Tohme, J. (2015). Whole genome sequencing of elite rice cultivars as a comprehensive information resource for marker assisted selection. PLoS One 10: e0124617.

(1) Duitama, J., Quintero, J., Cruz, D.F., Quintero, C., Hubmann, G., Foulquié-Moreno, M., Verstrepen, K., Thevelein, J., Tohme, J. (2014) An integrated framework for discovery and genotyping of genomic variants from high throughput sequencing experiments. (NGSEP). Nucleic Acids Research 42: e44.


- Computational Biology / Bioinformatics.

- Next-generation sequencing data analysis.

- Applied algorithms, data integration and visualization.

- Gene regulatory networks.

- Software development for research and its management.

Present: Nowadays, I am focused on studying plant systems biology, working on gene regulatory networks and phenotypic-transcriptomic variations. I want to analyze crosstalk between plant stress response pathways under field conditions.

Past: During my previous research I was working with NGS technologies, mainly Illumina, building and executing pipelines in order to detect and use genomic variants for crop breeding purposes. Including in-house software developments and bioinformatics tools. With those variants we performed different population genetics and evolutionary analyses.

2006: Bachelor of Systems Engineering focused on Software Development. San Buenaventura University, Cali, Colombia

2009: Specialization in Management Information Systems. ICESI University, Cali, Colombia

2012: Master of Engineering in Informatics and Telecommunications Management. ICESI University, Cali, Colombia

2006-2015: Systems analyst and Research assistant at CIAT (International Center for Tropical Agriculture)

2016-Present: PhD student in Evolutionary Systems Biology group, Center for Plant Systems Biology, VIB, Ghent University (Belgium).